What is top heavy make from in about?

What is top heavy make from in about?

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What is top heavy make from?

"Top heavy" is a phrase used to describe an object or structure that has most of its weight or mass concentrated towards the top portion, making it unstable or prone to tipping over. The materials that can contribute to an object being top heavy can vary depending on the specific item in question. Some examples include:

1. Architecture and construction: In buildings, top-heavy structures may be the result of using heavier materials or having an uneven distribution of weight in upper floors. This could be caused by using heavier building materials for upper levels or by having a larger floor plan on the upper floors.

2. Vehicles: In the case of vehicles, such as trucks, buses, or recreational vehicles, being top heavy can occur when there is a higher weight distribution towards the upper section. This can be due to the design of the vehicle, the addition of top-mounted equipment or cargo, or improper loading and weight distribution.

3. Objects and sculptures: Certain objects or sculptures can be intentionally designed to be top heavy for artistic or aesthetic purposes. These may be constructed using various materials such as metals, wood, stone, or a combination thereof.

It's important to note that the concept of being top heavy is not specific to a particular material but rather a relative distribution of weight within an object or structure.

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